The dullest Neo Geo game I’ve played so far. Magician Lord might’ve been atrocious but at least it was never boring.

This game controls a little better than the first two and the different characters are a lot of fun and well-developed gameplay-wise, but it's not Sengoku! There's no Nobunaga in a sky castle with skeleton dragons, there's no warps into ancient Japan to fight cool oni, there's no transforming into any useless spirits. It's just a weird Final Fight now. When in the first two it was cool stuff thrown at you every second and each level never staying past its welcome, here there are stages drawn out as much as possible with the same bland beasties fought again and again. Jesus, these levels drag. I really wish the diverse characters were used for a better game, like either of the first two Sengokus.

It's also pretty cool that it touts a whole thing of "each character has different strengths and suited for different situations" but you can't change any of your characters until they die, and therefore until you put another quarter in. Maybe not a big deal in some other games but coming off a series that was made famous for being able to switch characters on a dime, it's not great!

The best character by far here, by the way, is the guy who can wield a whole tree trunk.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022
