I never thought I'd see the day where I complain that there's too MUCH variety in a bomberman game. It's too fuckin long and there's too much shit to do in each level. I felt like I had plunked hours into this game and I was only at level three out of like nine. I'm like fuck it, let's just plug in some infinite timer and infinite energy codes and get it over with. And then I still get stuck on a level, this one that limits how many BOMBS you can drop! Ugggggggggh. The last thing one of these games should feel like is a big investment of time. It's Bomberman, you jerks, not Breath of the Wild. Wrap it up!

Also, if it takes place in the future, why are you still using your antiquated Civil-War-ass mortar and wick bombs? Shouldn't I be starting the game with like laser-controlled homing high explosives or something?

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022
