I watched a YouTube video about how bad the soundtrack this is and on some other genesis games and it was the first time I’ve ever heard someone describe it as “farty,” and I have to say that is exactly the appropriate word for this phenomenon, a word that once you hear it and recognize what kind of Genesis sound it means you can never unhear it for the rest of your life. I know I’d like an explanation as to why every year everyone blasts Webster’s Twitter account with “why is ‘WAP’ in the dictionary” kind of shit but is completely silent on “why is ‘farty’ (adj., regarding the sound a Genesis game makes with music composed on the G.E.M.S. system) STILL NOT in the dictionary?”

Also they expected us to soft reset the game right before the last stage. Whoops, you accidentally reset your whole game! Sorry about that! Don’t reset the whole system next time dumdum, just the computer within the game! God, the fucking sheer dripping contempt the developers had for their own customers back then, you could put a bucket underneath and make a nice gooey maple syrup out of it

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022
