I just love the way this game looks and sounds and feels like a Super Nintendo game. The SNES is by far my favorite console, and I love it the way old film nerds like Golden Age Hollywood movies, you know? Those kinds of graphics and that kind of midi score just evokes something in me the same as a grainy black and white image of two beautiful middle-aged people bickering in Mid-Atlantic accents.

It’s common knowledge by now that I almost always play with save states or rewind so I don’t really care about the difficulty, but even with those I’ve played this game enough times where I actually think I got better with practice, something that will never happen with the NES original no matter how often I play that one. And also it’s common knowledge by now that you have to play any GnG game twice. You get to maybe be mad about that for the first one on the NES, but not for this one. Just get the bracelet and go back to the real boss and stop bitching. I mean, you also have to wait a really long time at the DMV, but if you don’t know that by now then what are you going to do, write them an angry yelp review about it?

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2022
