GOTY 2010 but sadly I did not see the queen in this one very upsetting she finally gets into a peppa pig game and she isn't even alive for it ☠️😭eternally fucked up but the pancake minigame was legit

Absolutely nauseating hell complete chaos every online match had some child on their jailbroken wii lobbing blue shells repeatedly at hyper-specifically me I hope that made them so very content in their unsupervised lives speedrunning this game was so incredibly impossible used to flip my shit at fucking mushroom gorge that bastard mountain I lost any ounce of patience I once had whilst playing this game loved every second of it

Essentially a Wii Monkey Ball game that genuinely came out on the same day as a new Wii Monkey Ball game and that is much better than the Wii Monkey Ball game oh my days

"Oh but the backtracking in Skyward Sword was so tedious.,,.🤒" blahblahblah I'LL MAKE YOUR PARENTS BACKTRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!