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GavinT360 reviewed MultiVersus
Nothing changed about the game in the YEAR AND A HALF it was gone, except for the addition of three new characters and three new premium currencies. The game is still painfully buggy, with painfully slow combat, and frustratingly unbalanced characters.

Keep all of that in mind when I say this game is so damn fun! I am in love with the roster, there are just so many fun characters to play as! Tom & Jerry is my main, but I’m also great at LeBron James and Superman! Even the characters that I don’t play are so well made that I have to respect the work put into them! Also, the fact that Game of Thrones has a rep at all is still hard to believe, but I desperately crave a character that ISN’T my least favorite character in the show.

Anyway the single-player mode is mediocre and I just found out that you can’t even train with characters before buying them anymore and that’s STUPID! Don’t support this nonsense! Don’t give Warner Brothers a dime!

But also you should play this game because it’s actually pretty fun sometimes. I also have stocks in Warner Bros so I want this game to perform well…

Can y’all tell I’m conflicted?

5 days ago

GavinT360 reviewed Sea of Stars
You ever just realize that you haven't played a game in a while that you were right in the middle of, but have absolutely no motivation to jump back into it because - and you only realize this now - it just doesn't have the sauce?

Maybe someday I'll get back to it, because it's not bad by most means, it's just... average. And long.

7 days ago

8 days ago

GavinT360 followed ziopera0

8 days ago

GavinT360 followed blackcat

8 days ago

GavinT360 finished Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinn's Revenge
Playing as Robin is incredible, and I'm a big fan of Harley Quinn having some sort of story. I just wish, you know... this was at least a little longer than an hour.

8 days ago

8 days ago

GavinT360 finished Batman: Arkham City
I think the relatively small Arkham Asylum location lent itself better to a more concise Die Hard-inspired narrative, but this story isn't Die Hard anymore, it's finally, truly, BATMAN now! The story and setting are fantastic, and the villain lineup in this game is impeccable, offering so many fun surprises and cameos that my fanboy heart nearly exploded! Catwoman is especially a wonderful addition, if a bit underused for the most part.

I have to say though, the Completionist work might be too damn much in this one. We need to get The Riddler on his meds again.

9 days ago

10 days ago

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