A great DLC I very much liked but definitely didn’t enjoy this more than the base game.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is my favorite game that released in 2022 for its incredible story, gorgeous world with a beautiful soundtrack. Not to mention that I loved or liked most of the characters. And Future Redeemed manages to match that energy but with flaws. Combat is fun and dynamic as always and I really liked the Affinity Growth system. This system felt like a great differentiation from the class system where you can take on a different classes from other characters in the base game. Affinity Growth allows you to make upgrades in skills where you can make your characters more powerful for their class. One reason I didn’t like this system is because you NEED to find kits or relics around the map to unlock more abilities to upgrade. And unfortunately, you also need kits to unlock more slots to do more attacks or to wear more accessories. In the base game you can unlock these slots by just leveling up which I much rather prefer. I get this is a DLC trying to make it’s gameplay feel different and fresh but I much rather prefer the base game’s functionality. Other than that combat is still solid and fun with a new section to play in Aionios (or rather old section timeline wise) and I just love exploring the worlds in any Xenoblade game. Unfortunately, a lot of quests weren’t that interesting but still fun to do if you’re interested enough to collect items you may need for various reasons later on.

I really liked the story with also having many moments that meant a lot to me, but I did have a few issues with the story in general. I didn’t really like the pacing simply because I feel like it didn’t have enough time to flesh out some characters. I don’t hate Matthew but to me he seemed really uninteresting until the final 2 chapters of the story. And Nikol felt like a very meh character with not much to say. A major factor that contributed to this issue is the amount of spotlight that well loved returning characters such as Rex and Shulk got, they pretty much overshadowed many of the characters in this Expansion. I did love the interactions between Rex and Glimmer and I wish there was more of it than what we got. I also wish the story did more with Na’el considering she joins your team on the final chapter and it sucks there isn’t more to her other than just having the short role of a temporary antagonist. And N becomes a really refreshing character and makes me like him more as an antagonist not just for this Expansion but for the base game story as well. And of course I did love the story I just felt like it could’ve been better on some aspects. I just didn’t have the same attachment to the characters just like how I did for the main characters in the base game.

Many people have said that this Expansion is what the base game should’ve been and I have to say that I strongly disagree with that take. I feel like I may have been a little negative but by all means I really did like Future Redeemed and I did like the mechanics. I just feel like I was hoping to get more of what I loved from the base game and maybe I just should’ve came in to Future Redeemed with a more open mind. But again I don’t hate this DLC since I did have a great time playing it. Moving forward I wonder where the series will go next as this saga comes to an end.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2023
