Devil May Cry 4 is... interesting. It starts strong, with some nice combat and a new playable character for the series. However, as it progresses it becomes overly repetitive, annoying, and quite frankly dull.

As I stated, this game starts great. Nero's combat takes a while to get used to, but it can be fun once you get the hang of it. Dante is still fun to play as once the player gets around to playing him. I also appreciate the fact that Dante's style switching can be done at a press of a button instead of having to wait to finish a level like in DMC3.

The only other thing this game seems to get right is the soundtrack. The combat music is top-notch like always. I would find myself headbanging during some fights.

Outside of that, there are not a lot of praiseworthy things in this game. The story is just boring. I don't care about the cast of characters it introduced outside of Nero. They're just dull.

Repeating boss fights is no offense in a video game as long as there are some changes to make the fight unique. This game's bosses don't do that and, unfortunately, the player has to fight some of the bosses at least three times. Plus, a lot of the boss fights are poorly designed too.

Speaking of poorly designed, oh boy, the platforming sections in this game are awful. Some poor camera work alongside some questionable controls makes platforming a chore to get through. It's not just the platforming sections that are poorly designed. The game rarely gives out a sense of direction in later levels, leaving the player wandering around aimlessly for a while.

Devil May Cry 4 is an infamously rushed production and it shows. It starts great but severely fumbles the ball later on. If only this game had the time for development, I'm sure it could have been great.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
