Little brother got this for me for Christmas as a gag.

I’m one of those weirdos who loves this cartoon made for toddlers a lot, I think it’s very well written and does some really ambitious and innovative things in its little seven minute stories. I also have a weird fascination with cheapo licensed games, so this was def one I was interested in checking out from pure curiosity.

It’s okay, the graphics are pretty cute and I like that it tries to capture the feeling of the show rather than just slapping a bluey skin on some generic platformer or whatever, but this is a pretty egregiously empty game for 40 bucks lmfao. You can breeze through it in an hour and there’s not a whole lot you can do after the fact. I’m also not a five year old tho so what can I say abt that lmfao

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
