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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 31, 2023

First played

March 23, 2023

Platforms Played


Resident Evil is a series that masterfully creates a setting so horrific and exhilarating that it amazes me when the next installment releases and I am blown away each and every time. Resident Evil 4, for me, has to be a perfect rendition of what a survivor horror game should be and can be. The combat, the meticulous story, the tension, the enemy variety, the addicting gameplay loop - everything in this game just works so well and keeps me engaged and on the edge of my seat.

What I really appreciate about this remake of the original is how the game feels and flows with the enhancements - Leon feels more human and still has his cham and one-liners, Ashley is toned down from her constant cries of help for Leon and feels more organic and natural. The combat feels refined and refreshed, bringing the already great combat to modern day with the RE Engine's support to make this game play and flow so smoothly.

Crafting healing items, ammo, managing inventory and putting gems and treasures together made for such an addictive gameplay loop that my friend and I plan on doing another playthrough of the game. This is because we just had so much fun playing the game and it shows that everything about it works so well.

RE 4 Remake is worth the price of admission and dares to prove why it is the king of survivor horror to this day with this masterpiece of a remake.