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1 day

Last played

December 15, 2021

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I think I enjoyed Kena so much because I miss unconcerness in videogames.

This is just the definition of enjoyable. It won't break any ground, it puts its own cuteness and charm above all else; even possibly at the cost of a deeper, more engaging level design, or a richer more complex combat. This doesn't matter to Kena, it wants to be PS2 at heart, and it certainly feels what I dreamed a perfect weekend rent game would be when I was playing Kingdom Hearts 2 with 10 years old sitting on the floor of my room with an old TV and my eyes glued to the screen.

Kena doesn't fail to do anything remarkable because it's not even trying, it's just what it wants to be; and absolute success on forgetfulness. And this is something weird to mark as positive, but this game tastes like cookies and milk on a Saturday, like a cartoon marathon on a long weekend with no homework, or a snowy day without class.

It's nice to remember that games doesn't need to be remembered because either they're too self centered and believe themselves as the NEXT BIG THING, or because they need to make you flow with them for at least months through seasons and passes and fucking I don't know anymore it's tiring just thinking about it. I want useless mechanics to hug a cute puppy and a jump that's not afraid of itself; a game that doesn't need to flash me with shit or stuff itself for endless hours of absolutely nothing. This is just fun, and, you know? Games can be fun.

Thanks for the reminder.