I'd not played past the first two levels in a good 20+ years, so this was a treat to revisit. I was reminded how creative and kind of bonkers the game is, but also how the premise is a bait and switch.

For a character all about going fast, you gotta be methodical and careful after Green Hill Zone, and the final stage I basically inched through. Under the joyfully colorful veneer is a pretty difficult game, and an often mean one. Drowning, falling off the maps, enemies placed right in the middle of speedy stretches. Pointy, smashy things abound.

Not enough praise can be heaped on the surreal bonus stages (I maintain some very good drugs were involved in their conception) , the classic OST or the still superb graphics. Still, there's some clunkiness to the physics and some uneven pacing that took this down a few notches.

Even detached from the impact upon release and subsequent legacy, taken on its own, Sonic stands out as a superbly imaginative, challenging and fun game.

Replayed on Genesis Mini.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2023
