As heartbreaking as it's been for Sega to abandon the OG Phantasy Star series, it's hard to imagine a better send-off for it. Phantasy Star IV somehow integrates the story threads from all three preceding games - with a particular focus on the beloved first and second - into a cohesive story, and then builds upon that story to a tremendous climax and satisfying conclusion.

The story is sprawling and filled with adventure, tragedy, romance and a strong feeling of foreboding as as the depth of the threat Algo is under becomes clear. The cinema scenes still pop with great art panels, writing and pacing, and there are a couple of real gut-punch story developments.

As a fan of the earlier games, it's a lot of fun to revisit this and see how well this game references them, from characters and locations to remixes of classic PS1 dungeon themes. But beyond all the references, this is a rock-solid RPG with a well designed world, long and engaging quest, great characters and a steady challenge throughout.

One of the very best Genesis games and among the best RPGs of the era. Still holds up brilliantly.

Played on Genesis Mini.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

i agree wholeheartedly!