Beyond Oasis is the answer to the question, what if the developers of Streets of Rage 2 made a top-down action-RGP? Ancient's vibrant, decidedly unique adventure as clever as it is unusual, and it's those aspects that make it hold up so well decades later.

Wielding spirits as companions, weapons, puzzle keys and as tools to progress through the world and gain resources is a remarkable feat of game design. As with the early Zelda games, there are secrets packed into every inch of the game, and he solutions are often very clever, requiring keen observation, experimentation or both.

The combat design is very Streets of Rage 2, as would be expected from Ancient. Combos, power moves, an abundance of weapons and the freedom to deal with your enemies with the tools of your preference make each encounter a lot of fun. On the downside, movement can be clunky at times when it needs to be precise. Bosses are tough and unique, capping dungeons that range from the humble water shrine to sprawling mazes.

The music is divisive, and is the aspect that has probably aged the worst, but it's a unique use of the Genesis synth and one that suits the tone of the game well. All in all this is a gem and one I love revisiting.

Played on Genesis Mini.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2024
