Baten Kaitos is a great game that has beautiful and very creative pre-rendered backgrounds. The card-based battle system is very interesting, and I fairly liked it. Overall, this is a fantastic RPG from Monolithsoft.
The characters were quite nice, I especially loved Xelha and Kalas. Regarding the other party members, I think they were fairly good, but nothing too special. Not bad, but also not outstanding.
The story was also wonderful, I at least had a great time with it. Foreshadowing is definitely a strength of this game.
The pre-rendered backgrounds are totally beautiful, though I think the navigation on these can become a bit confusing. With that, I mean that sometimes it can be quite hard to see where you can walk and where you have to go.
Personally, I prefer whole 3D games because I think the experience isn't that immersive with pre-rendered backgrounds, but I think with the power of a Gamecube it worked pretty well in this game.
I'm glad to have experienced and played this game, and I'm really looking forward to playing Baten Kaitos Origins. As far as I can tell from this game, Baten Kaitos is another great Monolithsoft game series.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2023
