What a colossal shame. The combat and general souls mechanics are all perfectly fine (these guys clearly understand why souls combat is fun) and I like the way the game rewards you with mana for ranged attacks by taking risks with melee, but the world design is simply a mess: not only are mandatory areas locked behind doors whose keys are hidden behind obtuse secrets; not only is the fast travel system woefully inadequate for a game with this much backtracking and meandering design, but the biggest flaw is that everywhere looks the same: you will often (if not most of the time) be completely lost in dark metal corridors that all look exactly alike, with little to no signposting to speak of to help you orientate yourself on the way to your unspecified destination.

One of the final areas of the game requires crafting a space suit whose core components are hidden behind a secret wall or given to you after you no longer need it and the "bonfire" before the related boss fight is in the midst of an irradiated area that reduces your health to a fraction if exposed, forcing you to either change every time you respawn or keep the heavy suit all the time, which cripples your play style if you like to play with light armor and didn't invest in the stats required to wear the heavy space suit in combat.

Recommended only if you're extremely patient with exploring a confusingly laid out game world that will frustrate and infuriate you.

Reviewed on May 24, 2021
