More of the same but much bigger and... better? Question mark because the game tends to set you up with oulandishly overpowered gear very early on, between abilities and plants that shoot you a mile up in the air, which make the climb to greater heights much more trivial than in the original if you only use the map correctly and keep your eyes (and ears) open for crystals at the start of the game. It focuses much more on using these overly helpful tools and much less on growing the Starplants, which were the core of the previous game and are here relegated to semi-optional features.

The vast majority of the other plants and some of the skills are downright useless as well: why use any plant other than the one that shoots you the most up in the air? Why use the parachute when you can tap your booster near the ground and achieve the same result? Why roll up into a ball when there is no area that even remotely requires it?

At that point you'll find yourself beating the game in an afternoon and then all that's left is completing optional challenges for cosmetics and achievements, in case you're into that. I'm not.

Still the same phenomenal game as before, but not as challenging, which detracts from the package.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2021
