Just. Oh my god... I love this game.
When I first saw this game announced, I was both excited. I didn't have my expectations that high, as I really just wanted more Octopath. The first game was flawed, but I still absolutely loved it. But this game. This game blew my expectations right out of the water.
The stories to me were more engaging, and I immediately fell in love with characters like Partitio and Temenos. And while I was never bothered by the individual stories being separate in the first game, I'm so happy that they allowed characters to better interact with each other in this game. It added so much to the character dynamics of the cast.
The changes to each job were amazing as well. Somehow this game did what the first Octopath couldn't, which is make me enjoy playing as the Apothecary and the Thief. It also added some changes to Dancer, Warrior, and Huntress which makes me enjoy those classes even more than I already did. I love both the EX Skills and Latent Abilities, I may not have used the latter as much, but it ensures that each character properly feels unique in their own rights. There's so much customization options in this game that I probably didn't find the best ones, but the builds I made for each character were my own, and I'm so happy a game really allowed me to build characters to fit a specific archetype, but in the way I wanted as well.
The setting of Solistia is amazing, and I loved exploring it. I love how it isn't one big continent, and instead its separated into three smaller continents is amazing. And god, the HD2D continues to improve. I've always loved the HD2D style, and seeing it improve from Octopath 1, to LIVEALIVE, now to Octopath 2 is absolutely breathtaking.
And how can I forget the music? Octopath 1 already has one of my favorite OSTs of any game, and Octopath 2 might just beat it for me. I swear any time that first boss theme started playing, "Critical Clash II" I think it's called, I couldn't help but take a moment just to jam.
It's just absolutely absurd though that Octopath 2 took everything that was an issue in the first game, and just absolutely fixed it. From the lack of intertwining stories, to the over-necessity of grinding. In fact, I probably over-grinding because I assumed it was like the first one.
I'm sorry for typing so long, but as it stands from both how much I typed, and my obvious review score. This is just one of my favorite games of just... ever.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2023
