As stated in my Necrodancer review, I have always found rhythm games fall short of their diegetic potential for lovers of both arts as a combined gesture. Not this one. While Necrodancer is a barebones roguelike with an incredible concept, CoD is an full game with that same idea at its core. It is as challenging as it is satisfying to learn and master. The music is of course splendid, justifiably so, and randomised world layouts as well as multiple fun characters provide immense replay potential.

I only wish it was not a zelda spin off game, as cool as that is. I believe if it had the confidence to stand on its own and have even more original ideas, the scope for what it could achieve would be far wider and I would love it a great deal more. It does not do much to particularly subvert the expectations of this series or challenge it by adding much of anything new, other than placing Necrodancers core gameplay at its heart and adding one mildly interesting anti-hero character.

As it stands, the quality of this is on par with the majority of mainline Zelda titles, even surpassing many 2D and 3D entries. Its just unfortunate I have to compare it to them at all, it could've been something truly awe inspiring.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
