The prettiest game ever made. Holy shit. Oh my god. Playing this in 4k is such a joy to experience because the art style is both grand and lends itself to a wide variety of charming creatures, characters, and landscapes. Shame the rest of this is still, uh, Skyward Sword. Not a bad game by any stretch, and dramatically improved by the oil applied to the joints to speed up the once glacial pacing, but when you have the magic of motion control pulled away from you, it really lays bare how simplistic and straightforward this game is.

Every negative Zelda stereotype is in its truest form here, you go through The Ocarina Progression, with The Ocarina Items, items that are functionally keys to locks in many different forms without much in the way of dynamic or thoughtful solutions. It's a bit annoying, but sometimes the narrative surrounding a game is true: Skyward Sword is suffocating in its hand guided design and linearity, only coming alive when you get to use some of the more unique mechanics like the time stones what, 15 hours in? So much bigger than its pulse could ever hope to sustain

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023
