Imagine you’re watching a really solid tv show, with a vibe similar to Twin Peaks or season 1 of Stranger Things. Now imagine if instead of being interrupted by 1 or 2 minutes of commercials for every 5 minutes of story, you are interrupted by AN HOUR of garbage gameplay for every 5 minutes of story. The interesting story can’t redeem the truly terrible combat. Controlling the insufferable moron that is Alan feels like drunk driving a forklift. Alan will repeatedly die while blankly staring at the weapon you are trying to pick up. Alan will get stuck on ledges that must be climbed over to progress. Alan will miraculously miss shots at point blank range. Alan will get stun-locked by enemies that silently spawn behind him. There is no level variety or enemy variety. There is no interesting challenge. You are shooting at guys with hatchets in a forest for the entire game. I completed this game purely out of spite and stubbornness.

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2023
