Two Worlds 2007

Log Status






Time Played

25h 0m

Platforms Played


I remember how this game was marketed back in the day in Germany. Several gaming outlets hyped Two Worlds up as this new savior of western RPGs, playing in the same league as Gothic and Oblivion. Well, they tricked me into buying this game on day one and I'll never forgive them for that :D Honestly, even though I was still pretty young at the time this game released and my standards for video games in general were really low (I loved playing shitty ad games from Kelloggs and other companies^^), I was really disappointed with this one.

I thought that the game's graphics were alright for the time it released and the music was fine too. There was actually one feature I really liked. Whenever you picked up a weapon of the same type as the one you were already holding, you could stack those weapons and combine them. That way, your weapon would get a random upgrade which was neat. No more cluttering your inventory with useless items. I don't know if Two Worlds invented this system (I doubt it honestly) but in any case, credit where credit is due, I guess.

Apart from that, the game was a mess. It was buggy as hell, crashing every half hour or so, the performance was atrocious and the overall level of polish was just non-existent. Besides these technical problems, the writing of Two Worlds was just plain awful. Again, I was a teenager at the time with no clue what "good writing" entailed but this was so terrible, I couldn't overlook it. Plot, dialogue, everything written in this game was just a pain. The most generic fantasy slop you can imagine. I remember that the German localization actually had some pretty decent voice actors which in hindsight feels like an absolute waste of talent.

I have a weakness for janky early 2000s games but this is just the worst kind of jank. It's not worth digging through the mud as there simply is no gem waiting at the end of your efforts. Do yourself a favor and play something else.