Cool idea for a narrative RPG. I liked the style, the music was also convincing. Unfortunately, at a certain point the game becomes a math exercise, where it's no longer about making your own decisions, but calculating which decision brings which advantage. Most of the time you can only choose 1 or 2 options anyway because you don't have the necessary skills.
Apart from that, I thought the writing was quite good, but unfortunately anything but subtle. The wickedness of this world is conveyed in a very in-the-face way, it could have been written more elegantly. Some consequences felt unfair and illogical. From time to time, "events" happen in the game that are based on the player's decisions. This is a cool idea, but sometimes leads to illogical situations. For example, a character has a change of heart in such an "event" and later in the main story continues to behave like the old asshole, as if he hadn't learned anything. In general, characters hardly develop at all, but remain static stereotypes. The way the game tells me a thousand times how the family is trying to be elevated to the nobility, even though I made it clear early on in the game that I didn't give a shit about that, was really annoying :D But otherwise a cool idea for a game, very branching narrative and high replay value.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2024
