For what is pretty much made by one guy, this is a pretty impressive game, let alone a 3D platformer. Spark 2 was already a decent game, but Spark 3 not only succeeds it but arguably is one of the greatest fast-paced 3D platformers ever made.

It keeps everything that made Spark 2 great while cleaning up its rough edges; the enemy placements are paced much better, you have even more movement options to blaze through levels, and there's more variety in gameplay types while still being fun.

As good as Spark 3 is, there are still some flaws. The combat has improved, but it can still boil down to mixing light and heavy combos to keep a damage meter up. It feels like it could still be more interesting.

Fall damage is a cool idea conceptually when considering one of the vertical levels in Spark 2, but breaking your fall by jumping or dashing is a bit of a pace-breaker. For the levels not designed around it, falling can become a bit of an annoyance.

The score timer from Spark 2 is removed, so you can explore the levels without the risk of forfeiting your score, but it does create the issue of being able to meander in stages for 30 minutes and still secure the best score ranking. It feels like a good middle ground has yet to be struck between the 2 games. Maybe making the levels smaller and more tightly packed while having a time bonus could help.

It's still nuts that pretty much one guy made this. LakeFeperd should definitely be proud of how it turned out. Definitely worth playing.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023
