These game collections are... Almost solid. Just barely below Solid, like right before. Heh. Anyway. These are solid ports. My only gripe is when using a PS controller, you have to switch the button type every single time you launch the game. Which sucks. The game should remember that. Other than that? They hold up fairly well!

Metal Gear: I was surprised at just how many elements from the 3D games were included in this first game. It's fairly limited and short, but it felt like a fairly cool beta test for what the second game ended up being. Both games suffer pretty greatly from strangely obtuse puzzles that would be impossible to do without looking stuff up. Backtracking can get annoying, too. ✬✬✬

Metal Gear 2: This one was both way better and more story-driven than the first. The addition of crawling was awesome, and really made this feel more like a stealth game than the first at times. The backtracking is even worse in this game, though. This game is way more connected to the sequels than the previous one, which made for a few fun moments of recognition. ✬✬✬1/2

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023
