Infinitely inferior to Rayman Legends in each and every aspect.

Rayman Origins convinced me with amazing level design, smooth controls, an inspiring score and charming visuals, but it failed to overwhelm me like Rayman Legends did. Whenever I thought “Rayman Legends reached a climax, it’s impossible to top that”, Rayman Legends proved me wrong. That wasn’t the case with Origins, however.

While its level design is almost god tier, Origins’ stages do not offer much variety and the from room to room thing heavily interrupted the flow. The mosquito levels are fun, though not as powerful as they are in Cuphead. They lack of escalation and climax. The Treasure Chest levels aren’t as spectacular as the music stages in Rayman Legends, but they are still entertaining, since the gameplay flow is incredibly smooth. The “bosses” were unbelievably disappointing. The letdown of this game.

Although I criticized this game more than I praised it, because comparison was unavoidable — it’s an amazing game. I’d recommend this game, but since 40 of its best stages are in Rayman Legends, I don’t see a reason to not recommend Legends first. And if you’ve played Legends already, I don’t see many reasons to pay 20 bucks for 20 new levels you haven’t experienced. Origins lost a lot of its value due to the existence of Legends.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2021
