This feels like this was made by people who wanted to recreate FEAR 2 instead of the good one.

I thought the humor wasn't that bad at first. Then I encountered a comic book reader NPC named "Stanley." I almost threw up from cringe.

This made me realize why Yuffie was my favorite FF girl. Eat your heart out, Tifa.

I was previously spoiled on the ending and overall meta of the game. Had I figured it out myself I would've punched Jonathan Blow in the face.

I'm sorry but halfway through this, I was just waiting for this shit to be over. WHY IS THIS GAME SO SLOW AND BORING?!

Smash was NEVER meant to be played on a handheld.

The final boss is you literally on top of Barad-dûr fighting the eye of Sauron. I wish I was kidding.

I gave it a chance with the free period of the previous DLCs. The shooting and various multiplayer modes are fun. But the way you have to traverse through the content is poorly explained, it's hard to know what to do, and it honestly gets tiresome after a while.

The first PC game I bought and played. It captures the claustrophobia and atmosphere of the war even though the graphics have aged like milk and the voice acting is laughably bad.

Still in early access, but there could really be a fantastic finished product once they get the kinks (hehe) out.

The fact it's only made by two people boggles my mind.

A nice trip down memory lane. Yeah, the art direction of the original is butchered, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Revisiting old levels that, to this day, I still think rivals a lot of the levels from the Souls series

Is it possible to say a game is great but at the same time tell it to go fuck itself?

I came in to relive my childhood memories of playing CS 1.6 and CSS; then I realized how much I hated CSGO and this is pretty much a repackaged version of it.

This is proof that Itagaki needs to come back. Fuck you Koei Tecmo.

A game like this shouldn't be this fun and exciting. Yeah, the plot and characters are super forgettable, the combat is not as flashy and smooth as Bayonetta or even Nier Automata, and the world feels kind of shallow. But for a game made by a Korean mobile game studio, a term I never put in the same breath as quality, this was a very good first try.

Seeing that there will be an eventual sequel, I hope they will improve many aspects of the game and maybe add some character to the world that it desperately needs. It needs to find it's own unique identity than just simply being a clone of other games that are better.