Fans say that the story is really good, but I dunno it didn’t really do anything for me. And the gameplay was kinda agonizing, so all the game really had to offer me was vibes, I guess.

I did like the overall aesthetic, it had some cool songs (the Kuzunoha Detective Agency theme being a prime example), the character portraits by Kazuma Kaneko are distinct and memorable, and I liked some of the cast members. I did like the themes and ideas the game employs with dreams and allat, but I don’t think it explored them too well.

I found Yuuki, Eikichi, and Jun to be kinda lame. I feel like Jun wasn’t given enough time in the party to be characterized, I found Eikichi and his mannerisms annoying, and Yuuki was boring.

The plot was really boring with the first half just going around schools, beating up a high school principal, and fighting a boring terrorist organization with the main antagonist, the Joker, being rly unthreatening with his design. And then you gotta collect crystal skulls and then kill Hitler and you get the story through flashbacks. Like the game tries to be all serious but I’m out here fighting the Joker and Hitler. I wish it had gone either further into that silliness or into seriousness.

Like none of the dungeons, except maybe the final one, were memorable. The story just has characters coming to terms with their past actions and current selves and that’s alright and all but there’s so much blegh in between that I did not find it worthwhile. Like I might have liked the game more if it were condensed into 20 or so hours, I don’t think the story is worth a 30-40 hour investment (maybe Earthbound just set my expectations too high for JRPGs).

It was pretty cool that they play Gymnopédie No. 1 in the Velvet Room after a while. Love that song. It also made me like Personas 3 and 4 less by including a gay option. Shit came out in 1999 and they let you be gay. The new personers have not got any excuse!

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024
