First off I love that this is a spiritual sequel to the AKI N64 games. Stepping into the ring after all this time feels intuitive, even though I lost my first match due to me not being able to find the run button, chalk that one up to impatience. Plenty of match options to enjoy, from 1-on-1 to Battle Royale etc. The create-a-wrestler is a bit of a step backwards from the older games, and I wonder if the lack of detail is deliberate to stimmy any potential copyright shenanigans. Career mode is long and gets a little boring and repetitive, with some odd bugs which will hopefully get ironed out later. Lots of wrestlers to play with, feeling like the women get good representation, as opposed to simply being tacked on for novelty value. I don't quite know what's going on with Chris Jericho's character model though, unless that's what he looks like in real life now, in which case sorry Chris. Overall it's okay. Definitely not worth full price, so probably best waiting until it gets more content beyond the obligatory Matt Hardy.

So, a couple of months later where are we? Absolutely nowhere except disappointed by a series of piss-poor DLCs. Looks like my original score needs to be ammended. Do they even care about the future of this game? What's going on?

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2023
