Wolfenstein: The Colossal Cringefest

I grew up with Return to Castle: Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory. RTCW remains one of my all-time favourites and It's not just nostalgia - I replay it quite often and consider it a timeless FPS. I can't say the same about the MachineGames's Wolfenstein.

The whole Nu-Wolfenstein saga is extremely mid and The New Colossus is a waste of time:
- The majority of the game consists of cutscenes.
- New characters are infuriating.
- The villains are comically evil (which was not the case with past Wolfenstein titles and it feels completely out of place) and barely relevant to the flat plot.
- Level design reeks of wasted potential. Some of the locations at first glance are stunning but soon you are put in the same grey corridors, bombed-out buildings, and warehouses we have seen so many.
- Side missions are a joke and shouldn't be here.
- Worst story pacing I have seen so far. The gameplay gets interrupted by cutscenes quite often. There is almost zero world-building or anything different than shooting (in the same galleries or corridors), watching cutscenes, and repeating. There are a couple of difficulty spikes that happen out of the blue in which on higher difficulties you need to cheese the (atrocious) AI to progress.
- Almost zero enemy and weapons variety. Atrocious AI which simply doesn't work.

I'm just glad I bought the Nu-Wolfenstein saga bundle for dirt cheap. At least the next instalment in the series is better... right?

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
