Amid Evil may be inspired by Heretic and HeXen, but it rises above those!
Amid Evil maintains an identity of its own. The fantasy art style is original and creative, surpassing most fantasy worlds we have seen so far.

You play a nameless hero in a nameless fantasy realm that has been corrupted by a nameless evil, and it’s your job to cleanse this infestation using the most creative and intelligently thought-out weapon set I’ve seen in an FPS for quite some time. Staffs, tridents and morningstars, all imbued with some Eldritch, Arcane power.

Every episode has a unique theme and roster of enemies. Each realm is captivating and beautiful, superbly designed with a complex 3D design. The architecture is striking and despite intentional pixelation, the game remains beautiful.

As for the gameplay - it feels exactly as it should. It's fast and you constantly have to be on the move while strafing around your foes. The shooting is also excellent, with an arsenal of weapons that are effective in different circumstances.

The rocket launcher equivalent shoots miniature exploding planets. What more do you need to buy Amid Evil right away?

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
