The beginning of the downfall of Crytek.

I'm one of the few guys who liked the original Crysis despite all its flaws. I still remember the hype when Crytek announced Crysis 2 and how disappointing it was.

Crysis 2 is truly a product of its time and reflects everything wrong with the majority of modern FPS titles.

Everything that made Crysis great - is completely gone:

• Clunky movement and generic gunplay
• No more freedom in approaching different objectives.
• No save slots, only inconsistent checkpoints.
• FPS locked to 60.
• Terrible console FOV which you can change with the console but dying, picking certain objects and cinematics reset it.
• Some video effects like constant glow/bloom/shining completely ruin the atmosphere. At the time, this was some kind of standard in a lot of games and I have always hated it.
• No improvements when it comes to bugs and the terrible AI since the first Crysis. Enemies often stand in one place or multiple enemies stack up in one place. Yet they can see you through walls or when you are clocked?
• Non-stop action like it's a Hollywood big-budget blockbuster.

There are still some things Crytek managed to do right. I liked the "city-jungle" environment and the story is great. Crysis 2 has one of the greatest soundtracks ever composed by my compatriot Borislav Slavov and the genius Hans Zimmer.

Overall, It's hard for me to recommend Crysis 2. If anyone wants to try it - wait for a sale, it gets around 4-5€.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
