A true cult classic!

Honestly, I understand why a lot of people don't like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. They are clunky, confusing, and maybe frustrating. There is a reason why people call it "Slav jank" (or "Euro jank" if you are outside Europe). It's not for casual players and most find it very hard to get into it. But beneath all the bugs and jank, this is one of the most original series ever made and truly an underrated gem.

The atmosphere is simply fantastic. The Zone is terrifying, it's unforgiving. The lighting, ambience, sound effects, and resource management aspects all add to the feeling that you are constantly being hunted. You never know what to expect next.

Firefights are tense and crushing. The beginning could be rough because you are extremely weak and have bad gear. It causes you to take every action you make more carefully and teaches you how to survive efficiently in the Zone. This is why most players find S.T.A.L.K.E.R. frustrating. They simply play it the wrong way - like your typical FPS. Taking cover, leaning, and taping/bursting headshots is the only way you can survive. You always have to be careful with your resources. You are not able to carry a lot of items so you should plan before traveling to a new area or going on a mission. Ammo conservation is important. By the end of the game, when you are much better and have better gear, it feels like you have come a long way.

The story is... unique. It's just the tip of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. iceberg. The lore is rich and there is a lot of room for interpretation. It's based very loosely on "Roadside Picnic" by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky - a fantastic novel, highly recommend reading it. The novel inspired the movie "Stalker" by Tarkovsky which is one of the best art movies ever made. They don't share the same stories or worlds. They share the same philosophical questions and interesting thought-provoking ideas.

I could easily go on and on. It's better to try it for yourself. I highly recommend to new players a blind vanilla playthrough. Set your game difficulty on Masters for immersion and actual difficulty. Remove the crosshair, you do not need it. After you beat the game, you can try different mods to make the experience even better. The mod community has been active ever since Shadow of Chernobyl came out and continues to keep the series alive with high-quality mods. I also highly recommend getting Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.

Good hunting, Stalker!

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
