Greatest Star Wars media - free from George Lucas and Disney!

There were times when Star Wars was all about compelling stories and rich lore which mirrored real-world history and philosophy. The unfinished classic Knights of the Old Republic II from Obsidian is arguably one of the best stories from SW Legends and any media in general.

KOTOR2 turns Lucas' pure good/pure evil false dichotomy into the moral playground that makes you question everything. The story is an intensely philosophical reflection on war and morality. This is achieved thanks to the masterfully written dialogues. Every major character you meet frequently raises questions of responsibility and complicity, often manipulating the character/player and leaving it open for you to think about the choices you made and the nature of the Force itself. A great example is the philosophy and story of Kreia which highly mirrors the book by Friedrich Nietzsche – “Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None” and the concept of the Übermensch. The interwoven plot and rich storytelling of KOTOR2 couldn’t be possible in any other media which proves that video games can indeed be art.

The only downside is that when KOTOR2 was released it wasn't complete due to LucasArts pressuring the developers for an early Christmas release date. Many parts of the game were cut out. But thanks to hard-core Star Wars fans out there they made the TSLRCM which is easy to download from Steam Workshop and allows you to play the game with the cut-out parts.

Outside of being unfinished, KOTOR2 hasn’t aged well. The combat feels dated and it’s too easy even on the highest difficulty. You’ll die very little, outside some boss fights, and this leaves you feeling as if you are playing on rails. Dialogues are skipped over at unreadable speed when you play for a couple of hours which is some kind of bug where memory starts leaking.

Knights of the Old Republic II is a “must play” tier RPG and the greatest piece of Star Wars media that Disney will never acknowledge. Let’s hope for a proper remake!

There must always be a Darth Traya. One who holds the knowledge of betrayal, who has been betrayed and will betray in turn.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
