Log Status






Time Played

9h 56m

Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

September 24, 2023

First played

September 18, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


A sequel that brings a lot of improvements over the first game, I surprised myself by how much I enjoyed playing Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. The environments are more diverse and the different layouts affect how you engage in gunfights. There's increased weapon variety. Combat encounters are better spaced out between moments of quiet time, as well as removing the tedium of fighting wave after wave of bad guys that occurred in the first game.

The biggest drawback for this game is length. While I finished the game in less than 10 hours, which included hunting for every hidden treasure, I found the game began to drag when it came to the levels set in Tibet.

The story isn’t particularly interesting either. Nathan Drake is chasing after some MacGuffin because of a bruised ego(?) and he will happily kill many people to get it. The villain’s motivations are never made clear as to why they’re going after the same MacGuffin, other than he’s a really bad dude and he really wants it too.

The puzzles still suffer from the same problem from the first game where the solution is given to you in your notebook. I know the game is meant to emulate the action adventures films, like Indiana Jones, but I wish these puzzle moments were just not in the game at all because they grind the pace to a halt.

Overall, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a fun game and I see why it’s the favourite of the series. I thought I was in for a “meh” time with my replay of the series but I can’t lie about the enjoyment I had with this game. It will be interesting for me to see if the level of enjoyment continues as I work my way through the series.