Don’t Starve is a sandbox survival game with an art style that really resonates with me. I enjoy properties that remind me of Tim Burton or Neil Gaiman’s works, and it does that with the world, music, and visuals. However, the gameplay offers a rewarding yet tedious experience that takes some getting used to.

Don’t Starve has a great style and world that made me curious to explore it. I loved the character designs and the way it pays homage to classic works of horror and gothic culture. I had fun finding new things, although it’s main focus is the fact that you really have to put thought into every step of the way as death is permanent with each run.

The gameplay consists in gathering resources to craft better materials, while trying to stay alive gathering food. In order to survive, you need to manage your priorities as you explore the world while keeping track of your items. The combat is something that I thought could have been better, but given the game’s style I think it is a minor part of the whole picture. Getting used to the mechanics provides a far more enjoyable experience after a while.

Overall, I liked the game and would probably try some new runs in the future as I get more used to it, but I recognize that it can be frustrating to put several hours into a world just to lose it in one mistake.

Final Score: 70/100

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Reviewed on Aug 02, 2021
