NieR: Automata is a science fiction combat-based adventure game that has an incredible and interesting story and characters, impressive action, and a lot of amazing secrets. Although I enjoyed my time with this game, I also thought it was vastly different from anything I have played before. With its complex storyline, death system, and countless endings, this was an interesting experience that I would play again in the future.

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The game takes place in a distant future where the planet is overtaken by machines and the remaining humans have taken refuge in space. 2B and 9S are two androids part of the YoRHa, a military organization tasked with taking back the world for the benefit of humanity. Along the way, they discover a lot of secrets relating to them and the history of the planet. I really enjoy original science fiction stores like this one. Especially those that deal with artificial intelligence. The game is highly philosophical, and it has a very distinct style that shines in many ways.

The characters are amazing, 2B and 9S are excellent protagonists, and the rest of the robots and humans you meet are also great, especially Pascal. In its open world setting, I found extremely beautiful scenes and locations such as an amusement park, and a village inhabited by robots. One of the best aspects of NieR: Automata is the score. It is incredibly beautiful and well crafted. Both in calm situations and when the action sets in.

The gameplay has its pros and its cons, but overall, it is a particularly good and balanced experience on normal difficulty. This is pretty much the only way to play the game, as easy is too boring, and the harder difficulties are frustrating. This is because death in this game means repeating long sections that I would rather not do. This is especially annoying during long boss fights. Speaking of which, the boss and enemy designs are outstanding and original.

There is not much level-scaling or interesting endgame features. Once you find a decent weapon in the beginning and remember to stock up on recovery items you are pretty much set for the rest of NieR: Automata. This makes the journey and combat somewhat monotonous, as I did not see many different weapons besides a cool spear I found a couple of hours into the game that I used until the end. The other features, such as the pods and ability chips are confusing to use. Although the gameplay had its issues, it is still incredibly fun to fight hordes of machines.

My biggest issue with the NieR: Automata, is that to experience a lot of its content, it is necessary to play it several times to unlock different endings and storylines. I played it once until I got ending A and left it like that. This left me disappointed, realizing that I would have to play hours-long sections of the game again to reach new content, including A2 ‘s story. My personal opinion is that this is a bad way to tell a story. And I highly discourage developers, writers, and storytellers from following this format in a game. I really liked it, and I would have loved to continue this journey, which I probably will sometime in the future. But for the moment I think one playthrough at a time is enough.

Final Score: 78/100

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Reviewed on Feb 27, 2021
