After YEARS of waiting to get my hands on and complete, I banged this motherfucker out in an hour tops.

I originally had my hands on the original original cartridge that came packaged with A Link to the Past on the Game Boy Advanced but I had no way to play it because I was the only kid I knew with the cartridge, and because none of my friends had GBA's or DS Lites. Before knowing that I had a whole nother Zelda game underneath ALttP, I had just assumed this was some mini game that I was unable to play. Try as I might, and as much as I really really wanted to, I just couldn't do it.

Eventually I learned that this was Four Swords, and I grew an interest in the premise and concept. I read the manga based on it, I watched YouTube videos, and I soon discovered that this was the only Zelda game I've yet to properly play! (with the exception of one other game.) I also learned that it was remade in 2011 for the DSi and 3DS, but I missed the deadline to download it, and never got the chance again. I did play the Anniversary Edition once, that was with my grandma's old neighbor who brought his DSi over, I played the game for five seconds.

Up until recently I just wallowed in self pity, thinking I had no way to ever play the game by myself, but then hazah! Ideas struck me! I've been emulating and playing Pokémon games for years now, how come I never thought to do it with Zelda?!!?

Obviously emulating the original Four Swords game on the GBA was a no-go, because I'd need other people to play with, so I opted to download the ROM for the Anniversary Edition, which I ended up discovering was fucking pointless. Took me a fucking painstaking week and a half, but long story short, no emulators exist that can run DSiWare games...

I had lost hope... until! I realized I can play the original GBA Four Swords using multiple tabs. So I did just that! I hooked up VBA Link, wired up a controller, and Nadia and I beat the game in one go! For my first time playing and beating it, it was a blast.

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2022
