Un roguelike muy ligerito que compensa su falta de profundidad jugable con una identidad muy propia y un derroche de carisma y personalidad por todos los poros.

Funciona muy bien aunque le falte quizá algo de la complejidad que caracteriza al género, eso sí. Es más un beat 'em up/dungeon crawler que otra cosa, pero es muy divertido de jugar y tiene jefes (especialmente cerca del final) tan intensos que he acabado casi sudando.

Recomiendo echarle un ojo porque es muy divertido y su crítica a las startups y el mundo laboral es súper aguda y no se corta ni un pelo aunque lo esconda tras una capa de humor y colorines.

A very light roguelike that compensates its lack of gameplay depth with a very unique identity and an overflow of charisma and personality in every aspect of it.

It works really well, although it maybe lacks a bit of the depth that you'd expect in this genre. It's more a beat 'em up/dungeon crawler than anything else, but it's really fun to play and some of the boss fights (particularly near the end) are so intense I ended up almost sweating.

I recommend giving it a shot because it's a lot of fun and its critique of startups and the job industry as a whole is super sharp and it's straight to the point even though it hides it behind a layer of comedy and colors.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2021
