I need to preface by saying that I find puzzle games really hard, I have tritonopia (colourblind) and get frustrated at myself when I feel dumb.

Yeah, not for me. Some of the puzzles are intuitive or even had me thinking in a crazy way and that was cool but a lot of them were really hard to the point of not being as fun to me.

I hated getting something wrong and having to waste like 10 seconds going back to recomplete the previous puzzle. I get it was meant to incentivize thinking before acting but as someone who isn't as good at puzzle games it felt like it punished me for not being as smart.

I also really needed a colourblind mode at certain points in the game which I either didn't get or just missed (at which point fair enough, my bad) but I get this isn't an issue for most people.

The environment was very pretty and the sounds were minimal but just there enough to create an atmosphere that I enjoyed.

I get why people would love this game but it just didn't hit that way for me.

Reviewed on May 28, 2024
