This review will be based entirely on what this collection offers as new instead of rating the actual games that come within, which is the localization and the bonus content.

Having pre-ordered the game, I got the "From the Vaults" content, so I will base my experience on that.

The localization of this duology has been masterfully done. Janet Hsu elevated the text by its comical abundance of verbose, clever avoidance of outright racist terms, and even the decision to change the names of characters such as Herlock and Wilson. These decisions only add to the Victorian British overcompensating spirit, and solidify a world where fancy words and tricks gain more respect than actual competence, one where truth is dubious everywhere around you. In other words, the antithesis of the Phoenix Wright spirit: honest, transparent, simple to read and to the point. Add to this other details, such as the Japanese cast using honorifics only when no British character is present (implying they are resorting to their mother tongue), or the outright butchering of spelling whenever a low class citizen starts talking, and you have a work which compensates for the long waiting we endured for this duology.

As far as additional content goes, this collection offers a crapton of insights into the game's artistic development. Things such as concept art and beta soundtracks, all throughly discussed by the artists behind them, or fully subtitled trailers that were once japan exclusive; follow the spirit of the megaman collections: that a game compilation must also be a preservation machine, for memorabilia and development insights, before time ages enough to erase them.

I'm very happy with what Capcom did with this collection, unlike the barebones and overpriced Ace Attorney Trilogy, I hope it keeps setting an example among other developers.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2021
