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This really felt like it could've been made 15 years ago. And I mean that with no disrespect at all. This is a perfect sequel to the original in every way.

The art direction is out of this world. So many unique ideas thrown left right and centre. One thing that stands out is that every platform, enemy, and collectable feels coherent with the setting your in. It sounds obvious, but not many platformers actually do this.

The story is fantastic. It's full of mystery, and the twists actually pay off. I really like how they deal with heavy topics such as coping with loss and dealing with old age. They deal with it in a light hearted tone, but it's never played for comedic effect.

Some of the new side characters aren't really fleshed out enough, so you don't really care for them towards the end of the game. I went through almost all of their dialogue, but they still didn't grow on me (except for Dogen's sister). I wish the psychic six actually did something in the final fight instead of some random yoyo guy.

The movement is more finetuned than the original, but I wish they went a step further. This game is probably most comparable to A Hat in Time, which has much more fluid movement in my opinion. However this is easily made up by the stellar level design.

The combat isn't amazing, but it's definitely better than the original. The new enemies are great for the most part, and the bosses were all a lot of fun.

Music could've been improved, however all the tracks did a great job at accompanying the levels. I just wish there were some more catchy songs.

Overall, this is one of the best platformers/collectathons around. It's kind of a dying genre, but games like this give me hope for the future. This game also made me realise that a Psychonauts 1 remake would be awesome.


Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

great review, we really need more games like this but unfortunately I don't see it happening much