Here we have one of the most unique 2d platformers around. It has the perfect balance of combat, platforming and puzzles that all make the game fantastic. I love the artstyle and the music is very medieval and that fits the game perfectly. The story is very old fashioned and its narrated by knock off David Attenborough but his voice is very relaxing which fits well with the relaxed tone of the game. The story is isn't very deep but it still has something to keep you going unlike a Mario game. The game is challenging enough to make deaths feel fair but not too easy to make the game feel short and childlike.

The game has 3 player co-op and playing with friends is so much fun. It kind of reminds me of little big planet in the sense that the wizard is great for trolling and the knight is great for trolling the wizard. The three characters however makes each player feel unique and it is great for different playstyles. You can also change characters with a button and it means you can switch playstyles or complete a puzzle quickly instead of having to either leave the game and switch characters.

Overall the game is great to play on your own but so much fun to mess about with you games (custom games are also quick to make). The game is cheap and really cheap on offer so definitely get it as you are missing out on a hidden gem. If you haven't played a Trine game before, it doesn't matter as this was my first Trine game and i could follow the story fine. This game in my opinion is better than Trine 1 as the enemy design is better and the puzzles are much more challenging.


Reviewed on Apr 25, 2022
