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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 14, 2023

Platforms Played


Happy [current year] everyone, iunno why but this is how i felt like starting mine.

Sometimes i'll just put shit on my backlog i have no interest in actually enjoying and just think might be kinda funny to laugh at. No recollection on how i found this game, i think i saw a bad review for it on some website and then upon some digging found it was apparently a successful kickstarter that garnered over 30k in support. not really sure how. honestly, reading the page for the kickstarter is more interesting than anything in the game. some guy paid 1000 dollars to have dinner with the devs of this. i wonder how that dinner was. did they pay for the ticket to spain out of pocket or did the devs get them one?

if you watch the trailer for the game on the kickstarter it literally shows you everything in the game. its an unfun minigame collection with unfunny wraparound adventure segments. its dull. its not even really worth making fun of. i thought i would get a laugh out the bad attempts at humor but theres surprisingly little that even comes off as a joke. it's the void. it feels absent of any real qualities.

i got a slight chuckle out of a character having the word fuck in their name