This game reminds me so much of old school capcom and early clover studios that it brings a tear to my eye. It's got big Viewtiful Joe energy and that's a very good thing.

This is a character action game where the gimmick is that everything, all your attacks are to the rhythm of the soundtrack. Fighting naturally has a rhythm to it so I'm surprised this idea wasn't done sooner. It's pulled off very well. The characters and story are really the stars of the show here as the character animation is incredible and the writing is actually funny.

Now, the combat while very competent, I feel is limited by the rhythm gimmick. It's extremely bog standard "light heavy dodge parry super" stuff we've been seeing since the PS2 days. However, since this game in feel largely seems to be a throwback to those days, it gets a pass, especially since it pulls everything off so well. It's just all stuff we've seen before.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
