I decided to put a hold on this game till I finish the manga but I am really enjoying the story so far.
The game it's self is pretty unimpressive, aspects of this feel very rush as the game studio knew of Toriyama's condition of health and wanted to get it out as fast as possible to ride the hype of "Toriyama's last project"
Toriyama is the godfather of manga and Sandland's writing is a perfect example of why he will be missed.
Sandland's writing carries a lot of this game as a lot of the game it's self is honestly mid. It's a lot of traveling from point a to point b in a confusing, bland open world, uninspired linear dungeons, and an upgrade tree that feels worthless because you have a fucking tank except for the rare times you are required to not use vehicles.
You spend a long time in vehicles in this game and honestly it feels really good! I just wish the open world had more dungeons and variety of combat that didn't feel lack luster that couldn't be solved with driving a tank. That being said, the Tank controls wonderfully. Driving it and the other vehicles (except the jump bot) feels really good and has really fun cartoony physics that makes controlling them fun.
Decent game though I am feeling a bit cynical about the circumstances it was rushed.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
