I really wanted catching Pokemon to be a more involved process than it is here. Almost all of them just kinda stand or fly or swim around and maybe take a nap. Frustratingly there is already a solid blueprint for interesting creature behavior in Pokemon Snap, where you can see them actually interacting with the environment and living within an actual ecosystem, just make them more interesting to find and actually study. There's never that moment where you stumble onto something that makes you curious, or really make you want to explore outside of catching more Pokemon, so this would really help provide opportunities to shake up the gameplay loop a bit and hook the player. Most of my issues deal with unfulfilled potential like this, because I did really enjoy my time with the game. A looser rhythm compared to its processors increases the skill ceiling a bit and allows experienced players to move quicker, if only slightly. This is hindered the slow-moving story, but I at least find the new angle of the worldview enjoyable. The real crime is that there is little to genuinely challenge the player, alphas and a couple bosses are basically it. Still, this game has renewed my interest in the franchise, curious where they will go from here.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2022
