It's good. It's really good. Why has it taken me 8 years to play this? It's visceral; it's brutal; it's all you want in a Boomer Shooter. And damn does it not look 8 years old, and it certainly doesn't play it.

Yeah sometimes the movement before the unlocks can be clunky (mostly when you're climbing ledges), and yeah some enemies are annoying (the guys you can only shoot from behind), but the gunplay is so good. The exploration is fun and rewarding, and it doesn't feel like you're under/overpowered based on how much you collect. It also doesn't outstay it's welcome at all. It's a fairly short game (only ~10 hours), which is great given there isn't too much actual gameplay variety.

I will say this game is a must play on the higher difficulties. This should absolutely be a challenge. Being pressed to move constantly is the whole fun of this game.

There are some glitches which caused me to soft-lock, which was a shame. I will say by the end of the game I wish there was a little more variety enemy-wise. It felt about 50% of the way through was when you stopped encountering new enemies and from then on it was just variants. I think the bosses were kinda mid too, but they were few and far between that I really didn't mind.

Yeah go play this.

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
