I would rate it lower but it doesnt let me go any lower

i've been playing all the dead rising games expect the xbox exclusives case west and case zero but this game is very good and i loved my time with dead rising 2 and sad to know the games go down hill from here

a fantastic start to the dead rising series of games abit hard at the beginning but that's the point your not meant to do everything on a first playthrough your supposed to try and do as much as you think you can handle well that's how i played it at least but i really hope more people play this as time goes on

so i just finished the post game story today and loved it, the story of the main game felt solid felt like a pokemon game and the touch of certain returning characters i won't spoil was nice!, and the post game story it was awsome despite it being super hard i was close to tearing up at the end i really hope more people give this game a shot!