For full context I have played all of the Dark Pictures games, Until Dawn, and The Quarry.

The Devil in Me is the Dark Pictures game I've enjoyed the most. (Until Dawn is still the best of this series overall by a wide margin though.)

The ending brings up a lot of questions but in general it was fun and had a lot of interesting death scenes.

The negative: The inventory system was less involved than I expected. I feel like the camera system and the individual characters special abilities could have been better utilized. Some of the character reactions seemed forced and downright weird.

The positive: It's a beautiful game and they made good use of the environments. The pacing had good spots to catch your breath while also keeping you a bit on edge. The overall plot was fun if a little accidentally goofy at times. I enjoyed playing it and thought the information was spaced out well. With every new game they improve the controls and this is no exception. I did have trouble with the hide mechanic but that's more of a me problem than a game problem and there are a lot of instances where it's not so much that success at a quick time is "success" as it is a different action. The introduced that in House of Ashes and I'm glad they kept it as it really heightens the choose your own adventure book feeling.

I haven't gotten all of the endings and achievements yet but I have played through a few times and plan on getting them all at some point.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2023
